Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Wedding Plan

It's a church wedding this time! I've been married to the man I love for 12 years and after three kids finally he asked me to marry him in church, hayyy buti naman =)

We wanted it to be a December wedding of 2011. Since we're shouldering all expenses we might as well save for it for a year or more so every details will be taken care of personally. We do not have plans of hiring a wedding planner because we wanted to make this OUR special project, thus making this wedding a more memorable and super special occasion for us.  

We've decided it'll be a simple and private wedding. I wanted it to be celebrated only with family and close friends, and to forego the usual wedding ceremonies at the reception and concentrate more on the mass celebration. This will showcase our personalities; warm and fun, practical and artsy, .

I have prepared my wedding list and it goes as a matter of priority, and here it is:

  1. church
  2. principal Sponsors/ Secondary/ and the whole entourage
  3. guests 
  4. reception venue
  5. ring
  6. wedding clothes
  7. wedding accessories
  8. flowers
  9. giveaways
  10. invites
  11. photographer
  12. bridal car(???)
  13. misalettes
  14. host (???)

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