Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On Dream Weddings and Practicality

I am truly happy for those new bride-to-bes who really spend time and effort making their dream weddings come true. I am amazed how they make the super effort to go to different bridal fairs to scout for would- be suppliers and gain new wedding ideas too. 

Being married (civilly) for 12 years, I still too have my dream wedding-in-church but on a more practical level. Here are my insights: 
Spend MORE on weddings rings, than other wedding stuffs. I say so because, it'll be the lasting material, personal remainder of the wedding. It's something we'll wear everyday for the rest of our married life. Not the gowns, the pictures not especially the flowers nor the food served.  

Less peso spending for other accessories such a bridal shoes, cords, candles. Yes, I'd like to wear the 'it' shoes too on my church wedding day but with the high cost of commodities nowadays, those pair of shoes that cost thousands could buy me a new rice cooker, set of plates or bed sheets as well. I am not against small enterprises that makes wedding accessories as their main source of business but for practical brides, we can make these as well and can save us another thousand. Nevertheless, I am proud for the brides who took their creativity to the next level, who made their own cords and pillows to save money and to have them 'personalized' as well.

There is a thin line from being practical and cheap. Practical for me, is considering the amount to be spent compared to the amount to be saved from the same quality  desired. While cheap, is compromising quality just for the aesthetic appeal. Hence, the 'invention' of DIYs =)

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